#크라잉 넛
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kpoptimes · 2 years ago
K-Indie Music Night: 크라잉 넛 & 세이수미 K-Indie Music Night: Crying Nut & Say Sue Me
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kpopotd2 · 6 years ago
June 7th, 2013, Crying Nut released their 7th album: Flaming Nuts
Crying Nut ( 크라잉 넛) is a punk band formed in 1993. In the 90s the Korean public started getting exposted to new foreign music styles due the the new political freedom, and in the punk scene Crying Nut stood out because they incorporate many different music styles into their music while still staying true to their Korean background. ‘Flaming Nuts’ also had music videos for the singles: ‘’Lego’’ & ‘’Five Minute Laundry’’, all songs are very different but still feel like Crying Nut.
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kpopotd · 6 years ago
November 5th, 2008 BIGBANG released their second album: Remember
BigBang (빅뱅), is a boy group under YG Ent. Prior to the release of this album, BigBang had just started promoting in Japan. The group had also started really gaining traction in Korea, where they had won multiple awards in 2007 such as Best Male Group and Artist of the Year. Though all this hard work resulted in multiple of the members being hospitalized due to  exhaustion.  ‘‘Remember’‘ title song ‘Sunset Glow’ was a remake of a Lee Moon-se (이문세) song by the same name. Another notable song from the album would be Seungri’s (승리) solo; ‘’Strong Baby’’. Which would win him a Triple Crown on Inkigayo.
Honorable Mentions: 1999 - Crying Nut (크라잉 넛) - Circus Magic Clowns         Their second album, with the single: ‘’서커스 매직 유랑단’’ 2001 - The Sharp (샵) - Flat         Their 4.5 album, with the single: ‘’My Lips’’ 2002 - Crying Nut (크라잉 넛) - Secondhand Radio         Their forth album, with the single: ‘’고물 라다오’’ 2002 - Lee Jung-hyun (이정현) - I Love Natural         Her forth album, with the single: ‘’Ari Ari’’ 2007 - Brown Eyed Soul (브라운 아이드 소울) - The Wind, The Sea, The Rain         Their second album, with the single: ‘’My Story’’
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kafkasmelomania · 4 years ago
March 30, 2021: 불편한 파티 (Uncomfortable Party) by 크라잉 넛 (Crying Nut)
If you’re interested in making the world a little better, here are some resources to stop Asian hate (text in bold for better readability): This post has some information about how to combat violence against the AAPI community, so please read that. This one has a LOT of background information on the problem, as well as ways to help. This Twitter thread explains how to pronounce Chinese names and why it’s important to learn how to pronounce people’s names correctly. If you want to do something for a specific organization, Heart of Dinner helps Asian elders in the NYC area receive freshly cooked meals delivered to their doorsteps; you can get involved with or donate to them here.
(via https://open.spotify.com/album/6qPQuzN7ddzVWiLvGaMhw2?si=SP_EDnaaQNG5YhLt8HRPIg)
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brokenvalentine · 8 years ago
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=088uFYom9dA)
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solplparty · 3 years ago
[#DNA싱어] “나의 누나는 리메이크 여왕" 명동콜링 (원곡 크라잉 넛) 리허설 | 10회 EP10 https://youtu.be/3jg2axGijxY 🗳️ 다시 보고싶은 패밀리를 투표하고 왕중왕전 선발비율 30% 반영하세요! https://bit.ly/3MP7Etg [#DNA싱어] “나의 누나는 리메이크 여왕" 명동콜링 (원곡 크라잉 넛) 리허설 | 10회 EP10 SBS 'DNA싱어-판타스틱 패밀리' ☞ 매주 목요일 밤 9시 방송 매일 새로운 음악을 만나고 싶다면 다날엔터 구독( ღ'ᴗ'ღ ) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpmctTnUfbeoycGhieZQAmw #판타스틱패밀리 #DNA싱어 #fantasticfamily #이수근 #장도연 #양세찬 #sbs예능 DanalEntertainment
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lacvnc · 8 years ago
─ Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours. when you’re done, tag up to ten people and tag the person who tagged you.
tagged by: @dahliancgra tagging: @bxsaoirse @belxxs @ofkngs @songavixin @gumihc @fluorvte @hyejvng @spellbks @chaoticer @orphanchen
A - age: 123, surprise surprise.  B - biggest fear: What is fear, exactly?  C - CURRENT TIME: 06:40AM ( KST ). D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD: Blood. E - EVERY DAY STARTS WITH: A yawn and a stiff drink.  F - FAVOURITE SONG:  말달리자 — 크라잉 넛. The type of music I like to go crazy to and just y’know... murder people.  G - GHOSTS ARE THEY REAL: Very alive and very lame.  I - IN LOVE WITH: Me, myself and I.  And of course my own reflection. 
K - KILLED SOMEONE: Pfft, more people than I care to count.  L - LAST TIME YOU CRIED: I don’t know? When I was human and weak?  M - MIDDLE NAME: None.  N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: Two, dead since long.  O - ONE WISH: Wish? I don’t wish. There’s no need to when you can literally just get whatever you want through char.. or you know... magic. Q - QUESTIONS YOU ARE ALWAYS ASKED: Can you let me go? Answer is always no. What are you? Standard answer: your worst nightmare. What else..? Oh right... Belus has a lot of repeated questions. But I’ll keep those to myself.  R - REASONS TO SMILE: Death and destruction? Good sex and a tasty snack? All of it? S - SONG LAST SANG: I don’t sing.  T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: Don’t remember, don’t sleep much.  U - UNDERWEAR COLOUR: Ain’t wearing any.  V - VACATION DESTINATION: My entire life is vacation, no need to go anywhere. I do love Europe though... W - WORST HABIT: Probably... none. Can’t have bad habits if you’re flawless.  X - X-RAYS YOU’VE HAD: Uhm... none?  Y - YOUR FAVOURITE FOOD: Blood?  Z- ZODIAC SIGN: Capricorn
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coinlockerkid · 6 years ago
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kpopotd2 · 6 years ago
August 10, 2009 Crying Nut released their sixth album: Uncomfortable Party
Crying Nut (크라잉 넛 ) is a five-member indie rock band under Drug Records. This album had three other songs with music video releases: Uncomfortable Party, Dove, and Ghost MIA. 
Even though they started out as an indie band, they are quite well known to the general public and often chart well upon release of their albums-- they have even been given the title of “best selling Korean indie band of all time”!
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kpopotd · 7 years ago
July 7th, 1998 Seo Taiji released his first album: Seo Tai Ji
Seo Taiji (서태지), born Jung Hyun-Chul (정현철) on February 21th, 1975. After the retirement of Seo Taiji and Boys in 1996, Seo left Korea and went to the United States. Suddenly he released a couple of music videos, ''Take One'', ''Take Two'' and ''Take Five'', which caused some controversy because he'd retired only two years earlier. The album he released is often called ''Seotaiji-V'' and is counted as his fifth album because of the previous Seo Taiji and Boys albums. This album was created completely by himself, he produced it and played all the instruments by himself, and it was just released without any kind of promotions, and it managed to sell over 1.3 million copies.
Honorable Mentions: 1997 - Boohwal  (부활) - Discovery of Fire        Their fifth album, with the single: ''Lonely Night'' 2000- No Brain (노브레인) - 청년폭도맹진가         Their first album, with the single: ''청년폭도맹진가'' 2001 - Cleo (클레오) - Crazy Love        Their third album, with the single: ''Triple'' 2003 - Fly To The Sky (플라이 투 더 스카이) - Missing You         Their forth album, with the single: ''Missing You'' 2006 - Crying Nut (크라잉 넛) - Milk Cattle at the OK Corral     Their fifth summer album, with the single: ''Myeong-dong Calling''
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kafkasmelomania · 4 years ago
Music rec roundup 3/29/21-4/4/21
Pretty Eight Machine (Special Edition) by Inverse Phase (primary genre: chiptune)
불편한 파티 (Uncomfortable Party) by 크라잉 넛 (Crying Nut) (primary genre: punk)
Transgender Dysphoria Blues by Against Me! (primary genre: punk)
What’s The Worst That Could Happen? by The Habits (primary genre: alt pop)
Siren by Young Summer (primary genre: alt pop)
Love and Leaving by Shangrila (primary genre: alt rock)
Glow by Jackson and His Computerband (primary genre: electronic music)
Favorite album this week: Transgender Dysphoria Blues by Against Me!
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ambeann · 6 years ago
Crying Nut (크라잉 넛) - Clean With Passion For Now (일단 뜨겁게 청소하라) [Clean with Passion for Now OST] Indonesian Translation
이른 아침 졸린 두 눈을 비벼본다 (Ireun achim jollin du nuneul bibyeobonda) Di pagi buta, aku menggosok mataku yang mengantuk  �� 밖의 펼쳐진 세상 (Chang bakkui phyeolchyeojin sesang) Dunia terhampar di luar jendela 누군가 내 맘의 문을 두드려 (Nugunga nae mamui muneul dudeuryeo) Seseorang mengetuk hatiku 애타게 나를 찾는다 (Aethage nareul channeunda) Dengan cemas mencariku 라라라라 라라라 일단 내 방을 청소해 (Lalalala lalala ildan nae bangeul cheongsohae) Lalala membersihkan kamarku untuk saat ini 라라라라 라라라 일단 내 맘을 청소해 (Lalalala lalala ildan nae mameul cheongsohae) Lalala membersihkan hatiku untuk saat ini 불이 꺼진 방 거기 누구 없나요 (Buri kkeojin bang geogi nugu eobnayo) Di ruangan yang gelap ini, ada orang di sana? 실례지만 문 좀 열어 주세요 (Sillejiman mun jom yeoreo juseyo) Maaf, bisakah kau membuka pintu? 누군가 내 맘의 문을 두드려 (Nugunga nae mamui muneul dudeuryeo) Seseorang mengetuk hatiku 애타게 나를 찾는다 (Aethage nareul channeunda) Dengan cemas mencariku 라라라라 라라라 일단 내 방을 청소해 (Lalalala lalala ildan nae bangeul cheongsohae) Lalala membersihkan kamarku untuk saat ini 라라라라 라라라 일단 내 맘을 청소해 (Lalalala lalala ildan nae mameul cheongsohae) Lalala membersihkan hatiku untuk saat ini 반가워요 세상 가장 아름다운 그대 (Bangawoyo sesang gajang areumdaun geudae) Senang bertemu denganmu orang yang paling cantik di dunia 나는 그대 장미빛 사랑 (Naneun geudae jangmibit sarang) Aku adalah cintamu yang indah 그댈 닮은 세상 가장 아름다운 노래 (Geudael dalmeun sesang gajang areumdaun norae) Dunia menyerupaimu, ia memiliki lagu yang paling indah 그대의 문에 들어갑니다 (Geudaeui mune deureogamnida) Aku masuk melalui pintumu  라라라라 라라라 일단 내 방을 청소해 (Lalalala lalala ildan nae bangeul cheongsohae) Lalala membersihkan kamarku untuk saat ini 라라라라 라라라 일단 내 맘을 청소해 (Lalalala lalala ildan nae mameul cheongsohae) Lalala membersihkan hatiku untuk saat ini
Korean Lyrics Transindo Crying Nut (크라잉 넛) - Clean With Passion For Now (일단 뜨겁게 청소하라) [Clean with Passion for Now OST] Indonesian Translation Kpop, Lyrics, Korean Songs from Crying Nut (크라잉 넛) - Clean With Passion For Now (일단 뜨겁게 청소하라) [Clean with Passion for Now OST] Indonesian Translation http://sinkpop.blogspot.com/2019/01/crying-nut-clean-with-passion-for-now.html Korean Song Lyrics Kpop Artis Korean Boyband Korean Girlband from Blogger Lirik Lagu Korea Crying Nut (크라잉 넛) - Clean With Passion For Now (일단 뜨겁게 청소하라) [Clean with Passion for Now OST] Indonesian Translation http://kpopslyric.blogspot.com/2019/01/crying-nut-clean-with-passion-for-now.html
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solplparty · 6 years ago
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크라잉 넛 캡틴락 한경록이 제작, 주최하는 '종로콜링 2019' http://www.melon.com/musicstory/inform.htm?mstorySeq=8882
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danieltypewriter · 11 years ago
버스 정류장에서 본 그녀 왠일인지 펑크락커 같아 그녀를 본 순간이야 우린 서로를 느꼈지 모두 같은 멋진 모습 속에 그녀 만이 더럽고 깨끗해 나와 같이 노래 부를 그녀는 내꺼 오직 나 자신을 위해 살아왔어 이젠 알 수 있어 하나가 무엇인지 그녀는 나에게 눈으로 말했지 모두 더럽고 똑같은 세상은 싫어 이젠 좋아 너를 좋아할 꺼야
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myfavkmusic · 11 years ago
크라잉 넛 - 명동콜링
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kpop-musique · 12 years ago
Crying Nut(크라잉 넛) - Give Me the Money
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